
Gaming Payment
Processor in Payments


Gaming Payment
Processor in Payments

At Asia Banks, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the dynamic gaming sector. As a leading gaming payment processor in Vietnam, our mission is to provide cutting-edge payment processing solutions to gaming platforms. We offer a wide range of payment options, including cards, e-wallets, online banking, and VietQR Payment services. For mobile gaming applications, we offer a variety of features that simplify in-app purchases.

We support the widest payment options in Vietnam

Online Banking
ACB - Asia Banks
BIDV - Asia Banks
Donga Bank - Asia Banks
Sacom Bank - Asia Banks
Techcom Bank - Asia Banks
Vietcom Bank - Asia Bank
Vietin Bank - Aisa Bank
Viet QR - Asia Banks

VietQR Payment Service

Supports all major bank apps and e wallets using QR code payments

Asia Banks streamlines payment processing in Vietnam through full VIET QR integration. Our robust system ensures seamless transactions, supporting all major banks and e-wallets. We offer solutions that meet the unique needs of your business, including those for small businesses to simplify their transactions and large corporations to scale their operations. Experience effortless payments and transactions with our innovative payment service.

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